Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How currency value is determined?

We are not going deep dive into economic terms to understand the currency value fluctuation. There are many factors to decide the currencies values but that could be very difficult for the common man to understand the theory. Here I will put it in the simple words why the currency value is often fluctuated. A currency will tend to become more valuable when its demand is higher than supply. A currency will tend to become less valuable when its demand is less than supply. It is the basic theory. We need to understand in the global economy terms, when the currency will have more demand and when it will have less demand. Remember that exchange rates are expressed as a comparison of two currencies. It is always relative and can be measured between two countries. Interest rates, Inflation and exchange rates are highly related. Reserve bank change the interest rates to control the Inflation and exchange rates. We can take our real time example of stock market investment to understand the above principle. As we know that, our stock market is dominated by the overseas investors (outside India), because of the our growing economy and industrial development. When our economy is doing well and market is performing better than other countries, overseas investors would invest heavily on our market. How they would put it in our market?. They will sell or convert to our currency and invest in India. It is clear that when more investors coming to India, the demand for the currency will be very high. Our rupee value will be increased against dollar. In the same way, when they are pulling out of market, demand for the rupee will be decreased and value is depreciated. Here I am talking only about the dollar, because it is the global currency and most of the countries trading using the dollar as trade reserve currency. The above example is given to explain it in simple words, the demand for a currency would come in the different way. When we are importing from other countries, we should have the currency of that country to pay for the trade. The value for the currency is fluctuated on real time. If a currency is free-floating, its exchange rate is allowed to vary against that of other currencies and is determined by the market forces of supply and demand. Exchange rates for such currencies are likely to change almost constantly on financial markets, mainly by banks, around the world. A movable or adjustable peg system is a system of fixed exchange rates, but with a provision for the devaluation of a currency. For example, between 1994 and 2005, the Chinese yuan renminbi (CNY, ¥) was pegged to the United States dollar at ¥8.2768 to $1. Why RBI intervene on Currency valuation? In the last week we have seen RBI has acted to stop the erosion of rupee value against the dollar currency. What it did was sold the dollar currency in the market to increase the value of rupee. But, it is very difficult for the Reserve Bank of a country to adjust the value of the currency, the long term solution would be fix the problem in economy and bring the inflation into control. You would wonder why RBI has to intervene on currency value decrease or increase. Note that, RBI would not allow currency to be higher after certain level because of the exports would get affected like IT companies would suffer if the rupee get appreciated against the dollar. India is heavily depend on the import of raw materials and Oil for its industrial development. In the decreasing rupee scenario, the outgo of money will be much higher. This would affect the expenses for the companies who imports raw materials for their factory and all the Oil Marketing Companies (OMC) will incur heavy payment to import the Oil. Now you would have understood why the Petrol prices have been increase in the last fortnight. If you look into the news papers, the reason said by our finance minister was the depreciation of rupee value against dollar. Major Factors Influencing the Currency Value In the above section, I have explained in the simple words to make a common man understand the currency fluctuations. This sections write down few economic conditions when the currency value will be under pressure.The following are the three major factors influencing the changes in the currency values. There are many other factors too, but we are not talking about all the factors in this section. Inflation As a general rule, a country with a consistently lower inflation rate exhibits a rising currency value, as its purchasing power increases relative to other currencies (What is Inflation?). Interest Rates A higher interest rates offer good returns compare to other countries. It will result in the foreign capital come into the country. Lower interest rates decrease the currency value. Note that interest rates has the close relation with interest rates. The currency value would not be affected only based on the interest, it is impacted based on the other conditions like inflation or economic situation. Current Account Deficits Basically current account of a country presents the status on the trade of a country between other trading partners. If there is any deficit in the current account, that means country is doing more trading outside the country then its actual earning inside the country. This situation is not good for a country because the country needs to buy more foreign currency to fulfill its need inside the country. A country needs to manage its deficit within control, otherwise it will lead to a economic problem. More demand for the foreign currency would reduce the value of that country’s currency. Impact of INR vs USD In the last two weeks Indian rupee has depreciated about 7% against the USA dollar value. It is expected that it would continue the slide as many macro economic factors not in favor of Indian economy. The following are the factors which would slide down the rupee value. Foreign Funds Outflow It is the major concern of Indian economy now. Because of the global uncertainty and various economy crisis like Europe sovereign debt problem, US economy problem, etc leads to search for the safe heaven among the investors. They are quickly pulling out the money fro Indian market and investing in any other safe investments like Gold or US dollar. Government Deficit is High The government finances are in a bad shape and the combined central and state government deficit has stubbornly stayed around 10 per cent of GDP. It is high deficit and investors lost faith in the local economy. Political Uncertainty and Corruption This is one of the major factor for any country to stabilize the economy. In India, last one year we are seeing the series of corruptions and there is no good news from the ruling party (Congress) about the economic reforms and lot of agitation among the citizens including the veteran Gandhian Anna Hazare’s campaign of Fight for Second Freedom which took attention from global media. India needs political change to gain confidence among the investors.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The stories are revolving around his life...

After reading to chetan bagath chain of books i understood that the punjabi puttar got the pulse of the Indian youth. With his first book five point some one to 2states his literature is so cute and very interested while reading them. Mostly he uses the words where the youth shares with the people who they loved most... His idea of selling more books dominating his passion and creating some nonsense in his literature... Up to now he utilized the component called sex in his book, recently he attended one discussion in mumbai, one student asked about sex in his coming Revolution 2020... He answered that its must to pack the book with sex.... You can see this component in this book too..... His books are not gving any value addition except reading skills. He is doing research on how to get good rating for the book, But at some point of time he is missing the ethics followed by authors....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Religion's acts as a oil for flame(Almighhty)

Hi Every one! In my personnel view the religions are provoking all good principles but it is up to the people in following them without any dilution... The Holy books are mirrors of the great people life who followed and sacrificed their total life for giving good directions and motivating people. some extent they have achieved too... Is this almighty is satisfied with the living culture of present generations. He only knows, because some people says after death we definitely move to heaven, what makes them to decide the things happened after their death.... I tried to be very true and peace many times but it has worked and my soul also very much pleasant .... But every religion ultimate goal is to become peaceful, true and honest to every one....... The versions are different but all comes in to one tub and helps flame to glow high... My question to ALMIGHTY is whom you like most i.e the person who is honest in his total life with out praying you (or) the person who prays you all the time and doesn't follow you when situation comes?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Indian varsities status

Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankigs showing that our Indian universities are at position 282 plus in the world. Japan and Chinese universities are in the top 10 positions… As Indian IIT, GATE entrance tests got a reputation that they are one of the best and tough exams to get in to Engg domains. Once get in to that the student is coming out as a brain drainer…. Funds are allocating to the premier institutes of India, If we observe, recently IIT karaghpur has announced 380 crores INR for incubation&innovation. The loop holes should get filled as soon as possible. I hope by the next year our country name should be in the top 50 universities…….

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Paradigm shift observed in career

Got Transfer to Guntur from hyderabad.on feb 2011... Initially i thought this transfer will help me in meeting my parents frequently but it is totally false... I repoeted at regional office at vijayawada and intial day i faced the problem of non-cooperation from the colleagues... the colleagues in vijayawada except my boss are very rude and they are very much anger on management trainees recruited first time in the company history. They thrown me in to the guntur market with slight introduction of one day... Started my journey from next day but i didnt found accomodation at guntur, what i should do... i didnt know any one there... initially i settled in my brother room at vijayawada... i asked my manager to place me at vijayawada... he refused and said that guntur market is the opportunity and u can learn more there. Initially its taken 1 month to get habituated to that atmosphere... The dealers are more commercial in guntur than personnel relationship. they are very much rude.... My boss told me to go in the early morning to collect the fake invoices of the substitutes... when i go to the bypass i found around 20 trucks there... if i ask them to give their invoice they see me top to bottom and shows the middle finger.... what i have to do at 10am my boss will ask the report of fake invoices... Got frustrated in the job but my hard work never failed and i hardly achieved my target by month end.... Slowly i got friends and i developed my network from tiffin centre boys to police officers in the town... Parashakthi cement sales officers helped me alot than my company colleagues.... I never for get them in my life they shown me the room and accomodated my self there.... Daily in the early morning 5am my phone starts ringing and i have to settle the driver's queries... Daily i should travel around 80km in average on bike...I should attend CMA(Cement Manufacturers Association) meet conducted at parashakthi office.... I enjoyed that meet very much and usually i keep my list of problems faced with substitutes in front of the forum... After 4 months i got effected to jaundice.... one day one of my friend forced me to go for blood test.. i went to the lab and got conformed the jaundice... i called my superior and said about the problem they refused to give leave for the two weeks... i asked for 1 week atlast after so many conversations i have made with them they allowed me to go on leave for a week... Then i went to home and came back with out cure and started my travels as usually.... After two days i noticed that the jaundice has been increased and again i called superior and said abut the problem this time i felt bad in asking leave but what should i do.... They given two weeks of leave to me... Iam very much thank full to the boses for understanding my condition... After taking two weeks of leave iam totally resisted my self to go and join with the company..... I went and submitted my resignation on behalf of my health conditions... They refused but accepted..... Later it has been taken two months of time to become free from jaundice... Later i started my journey by coming to hyd in searching of new job... I joined with one s/w company and shifted my career from marketing in manufacturing sector to software industry.......Thanks to god in showing the path......